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Thread: TERRORDOME: MSU-UM Let me start with calling out some names...

  1. #1

    TERRORDOME: MSU-UM Let me start with calling out some names...

    I find it funny when Wolverine fans absolutely disappear, become dead silent, and vanish from WTF when their team is losing ala Moodini, Muhme, Xanadu (to an extent) only to reappear talking all kinds of shit once things straighten out. Don't get me wrong, I've disappeared for a DAY back a few years ago when State lost to Michigan in bball. But not WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!

    On top of that, the State fans here have been extremely cool in the wake of the back to back embarrassments of M football. How were we rewarded? UM fans nit picking about any sort of criticism we made. We were also rewarded with all of the UM fans jumping back on every thread here to talk shit. Moodini thanks me about being classy after the App. St. game and now he's ripping me in the State thread for being inconsistent. Moodini claiming somebody else is inconsistent as a fan-WOOOOOOOOOOOW! Even the Sag. Michigan fans are laughing at that one. What a joke. In my opinion, many of the M fans have shown their true colors here and shown that they can't be classy as we were. We've got Zip who blasted the hell out of Michigan for weeks now posting pics of Wolverine the Marvel character and saying he can't wait to kill Sparty. Give me a fucking break.

    Speaking of break, it is time for one. I'm tired of the bandwagon stuff and tired of the fan courtesy not being returned. Jethro took a killer vacation because of some of the idiots here, time for mine. Enjoy the UM jerk off fest.

  2. #2
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by DrTre11

    On top of that, the State fans here have been extremely cool in the wake of the back to back embarrassments of M football. How were we rewarded? UM fans nit picking about any sort of criticism we made.
    Are you serious?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahoe
    Are you serious?
    How about if he said Michigan State fans not named Bukdow?

    That cool with you?

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  4. #4
    I officially nominate this thread as a waste of exactly 30 seconds it took to read it.

    MSU sucks. UM sucks. The Lions suck. Michigan, face it, is a shitty football state.

  5. #5
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    As bukdow so eloquently put it, Tre: You are quite the "nancyboy". Do you feel better after that self righteous descent into martyrdom?
    Alot of us took exception to the dimwitted criticism of Mike Hart, and rightfully so. You haven't come out here in your self appointed "classiness" to say how WRONG you were over your babbling about all the time he did and would miss due to injury, nor have I seen you comment on how tough he's run since putting the team on his back for the last two games and delivering.
    But so what? That's not your job, you're not a UM fan, and we're not out here crying about how you won;t leave us or ours alone. Geezus, what a puss.
    I love how you Sparties role out the "bandwagon" card. There haven;t been any new UM fans or drive by's on this forum; we've all been pretty consistent with both our criticisms of UM football, the coaches, and the first two games. Too bad if you are caught up in a hissyfit over the fact that UM fans are pretty hyped about the last two weeks. I believe they call that being a fan.
    You Sparties seem to feel like your fanship (or whatever) is more valid because Sparty is a perennial loser yet you still stick with your team. Bullshit. Where were all of you before The Izzo got to Jennison Fieldhouse? Even though Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet, you still couldn't find a Sparty basketball fan anywhere.
    As for your "classiness" regarding uM's first two games, look back: You had no beef with UM fans until you started your typical moralizing character attacks on the individual players.
    To sum up this rambling post: You are the starter of many, many fires. In typical Sparty fashion, you NOW decide your sick of it, toss the grenades our way and bow out.
    You can't stand the heat, so apparently you're getting out of the kitchen: GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  6. #6
    UxKa's Avatar
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    Waste? Yes. Bigger waste? Me spending at least a minute trying to figure out what Jahnke is holding in her hand in Denny's sig. I never bothered to look at it, without thinking I assumed it was some flowers. But now that I do, it looks like a bundle of asparagus with a stuffed animal bunny attatched to it. Am I crazy? Yes

  7. #7
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    Bye Tre.

  8. #8
    what do they say at hockey games? oh yea:


  9. #9
    Wow i'm still confused that MSU fans not getting enough "respect" for their non-criticism could develop into such a rant.

    I can be consistent for you guys, Muck Fichigan, and that whore Ann Arbor. But they will still probably beat Michigan State. Until the Hoopin Season

  10. #10
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    Diddy, would those be at Junior Hockey games?

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